martes, 24 de febrero de 2009

Making no good...

Being so close to you, have make my head spin out so fast that I can hardly get to recognize what's going on.
I've been with you almost 12 hours a day, every day about a year ago or so... and still look forward the next day.
Not now... not anymore...
What's wrong? What have change? Is it you? Is it me?
I'm totally sure I'm probably not your best option (at least that's what you made me feel with that odd comment during lunch).
See?? We're not soulmates!!
We are just sooo different one from each other, that I can't help asking myself if we belong together.
I just had no words to tell you this during the afternoon. And probably I won't ever have them. I know this is the most stupid way to tell this sort of things, having lots of people reading them.
But I really don't know what is going on. I really love you, but lately I've been getting nuts with almost everything.
Sometimes I think you can do it better off alone, (perhaps, just away from me).
Sometimes I feel like this won't work. It won't happen.
Damn... here I am once again... tears dropping.
I really love you. I do. And honestly I don't see you way apart from me... but neither by my side.
Don't know what to do, or think, or say...
It all seems that we are becoming this relationship into a profound friendship. I know I can count on you every single second of my day.
You can count on me the same way too... But, trust me... I REALLY DO NEED PHYSICAL LOVE. And I'm not talking about sex... (You have given me the best sex ever!)
I just need (more) caresses, a flirty glance, a some nice word from you during the day since we are about all day long at the same place. But you don't seem to realize that it IS your girlfriend the girl sitting just across the wall. And just for the record... I'm not talking about honey moon at work!! I'm just saying that it is not nice from you to make me feel as if I'm almost INVISIBLE.
GOD!! What am I doing?? Why do I write all this...
I mean, you ARE a good girlfriend... maybe better than what I deserve...
... don't know...

I'm just so pissed off... Why the hell did you tell me that??
I'm not the kind of person who gives no mind to poor people... I'm not a monster!!
I know you feel so oh touched by children who are starving.. but come on girl!!! I was just in the middle of my meal and there you went with your heart wide open talking about their missery.
Of course I care about them... and it will be NOT nice from me to start telling what I've done to help poor children.
And by the way... What have you done??? Given them a couple of bucks??

Oh shit... I better stop this here...

Best Regards!

8 comentarios:

Pat dijo...

Madre mía!!! Que manera tan propia de dirigirse a su compañera de trabajo!!!... Es una parte difícil Soad esa de estar en el mismo lugar, yo sería feliz de tener acá a mi Princesa, pero me moriría de coraje de sólo verle pasar sin poder tocarle... Dense un momento, ponganse de acuerdo para verse aunque sea un par de minutos a solas, sería bueno no crees?, siento que haría menos tensa la situación... Es mi humildo opinión Soad, quizá nada de lo que yo pueda decir ayude, pero tal vez sí...
Un beso ;)

pao dijo...

estoy de acuerdo con patito...ponganse de acuerdo y un rato a solas les va a venir bien...tiene que habr alguna manera!! nena me mataste con el ingles jajaja besotes

Cris dijo...

When you spend so much time with your girlfrined, things like that used to happend. Actually I would recomend you take some time free from each other in the office or maybe latter, so the time you can spend as lovers doesn´t affect the time as work colegues and vs. XOXO

Anónimo dijo...

Animo Soad.. recuerda que entre mas oscuro está es por que ya va amanecer....

Chesend dijo...

de repente es dificil porque tienes que 'disimular' en la oficina y a la vez quieres comertela con la mirada... o literalmente en el ascensor...
todo es cuestion de hablar y encontrar una forma, un punto medio, el equilibrio para que no estiren las dos la cuerda hacia el lado contrario...


Anónimo dijo...

tranquila, no te precipites. Hay días q las cosas se ven grises o negras sin remedio... pero eso no quiere decir q todo esté perdido... CALMA... por lo q te he leido, tienes una relacion muy linda con gabe, entonces no desistas, lucha por ella.

Clau dijo...

WTFFFFFFFFFFF baby ke te paso!!!!!!!! espero que solo sea otra de tus lagunas mentales y ke las kosas entre ud no vayan mal por que sabes que las kiero mucho a las dos. ya sabes si necesitas alguien con kien hablar sabes donde encontrarme espero que las cosas ya esten mucho mejor sino mandamela que la voy a p*T3@r jajaja TQM.

Soad dijo...

Trankilas... ya todo esta mejor!!
Si... tal vez fue muy fuere todo lo que escribi...
Normalmente es el tipo de cosas que se me cruzan por la mente cuando estoy enojada...
La diferencia es que esta vez las escribi... Y más alla de haberlas escrito... las publiqué.
Pero Gabe no se molesta en lo absoluto por haberlo escrito en el blog. Ella es super alivianada.
Me comprende... sabe que cuando me enojo digo mil cosas... que al final ire a sus brazos, habiendo reconocido que hay cosas más importantes y que en un momento de stress e ira.
Como dijo Patito... hay que dejar secar la ira...

Pero... que intensas se ponen las cosas cuando despotricamos una rabieta no??
Me encanta escribir cuando me enojo... asi que casi casi puedo predecir que no sera la ultima vez que escriba enojada... Claro.. si no me llego a morir antes.